Example to show the active users in a SQL Server Database,
Check the example below:
select ('kill '+ cast(spid as varchar(10))) as [kill proces], sql_handle as [sql handle], convert(varchar(8), dateadd(second, datediff(ss, a.last_batch, getdate()), 0), 108) as [duration last_batsch], last_batch as [start_time last_batch], left(cmd, 12) as [command], left(loginame,20) as [login name], cpu as cpu, physical_io as [physical_io], memusage as [memory usage], blocked as [blocked process], b.wait_type as [wait type], b.resource_description as [resource description], spid as spid, kpid as kpid, login_time as [login time], getdate() as [current time] from master..sysprocesses a inner join sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks b on a.spid = b.session_id where loginame not in ('sa') and cmd <> 'awaiting command' order by last_batch desc /* Active Users in Database (Waiting on ....) */ select ('kill '+ cast(spid as varchar(10))) as [kill proces], sql_handle as [sql handle], convert(varchar(8), dateadd(second, datediff(ss, a.last_batch, getdate()), 0), 108) as [duration last_batsch], last_batch as [start_time last_batch], left(cmd, 12) as [command], left(loginame,20) as [login name], cpu as cpu, physical_io as [physical_io], memusage as [memory usage], blocked as [blocked process], b.wait_type as [wait type], b.resource_description as [resource description], spid as spid, kpid as kpid, login_time as [login time], getdate() as [current time] from master..sysprocesses a inner join sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks b on a.spid = b.session_id where loginame not in ('sa') and wait_type = 'pageiolatch_sh' -- waiting for some page to be brought into memory (from database files on disk). and spid <> @@spid order by [duration last_batsch] asc /* Active Sessions in Database (Currently execute on ....) */ select as [dbname], 'kill ' + convert (varchar(10), a.session_id) as [kill proces], a.sql_handle as [sql handle], convert(varchar(8), dateadd(second, datediff(ss, a.start_time, getdate()), 0), 108) as [duration starttime], a.start_time as [start_time last_batch], --datediff(ss, a.start_time, getdate()) as [seconds], --a.total_elapsed_time / 1000.0 as [elapsedtime], a.command as [command], a.blocking_session_id as [blocked session id], m.dop as [degree of parallelism], b.text as [sql text], substring(b.text, a.statement_start_offset / 2, case when (a.statement_end_offset - a.statement_start_offset) / 2 > 0 then (a.statement_end_offset - a.statement_start_offset) / 2 else 1 end ) as [stmt], a.cpu_time as [cpu], a.reads as [reads], a.writes as [writes], a.logical_reads as [logical reads], a.wait_type as [waittype], a.wait_time as [waittime], a.last_wait_type as [last waittype], a.wait_resource as [waitresource], m.requested_memory_kb as [requested memory], a.granted_query_memory as [granted query memory], m.max_used_memory_kb as [max used memory] from sys.dm_exec_requests a with (nolock) outer apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(a.sql_handle) b left join sys.dm_exec_query_memory_grants m (nolock) on m.session_id = a.session_id and m.request_id = a.request_id join sys.databases d on d.database_id = a.database_id where a.session_id > 50 and a.session_id <> @@spid order by [duration starttime] asc /* Dubbele users .. */ declare @db varchar(25) set @db = '___' select getdate() , loginame , spid , login_time , last_batch , cmd , cpu , physical_io from master..sysprocesses where loginame in (select loginame from master..sysprocesses where dbid = (select dbid from master..sysdatabases where name = @db) and loginame like '%.%' group by loginame having count(*) > 1 ) --AND cmd <> 'AWAITING COMMAND' --ORDER BY loginame, last_batch /* SQL_HANDLE */ declare @spid varchar(25) set @spid = '___' select [text] from ::fn_get_sql((select sql_handle from master..sysprocesses where spid = @spid )); GO /* Show dubbele queries */ select sql_handle , count(*) as count from master..sysprocesses inner join sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks on master..sysprocesses.spid = sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks.session_id where loginame not in ('sa') and wait_type = 'pageiolatch_sh' --and cmd <> 'awaiting command' group by sql_handle order by count desc /* PLAN_HANDLE (show sqlplan for a session_id) */ declare @id varchar(25) set @id = '___' select query_plan, * from sys.dm_exec_cached_plans cp cross apply sys.dm_exec_query_plan(cp.plan_handle) where plan_handle = (select plan_handle from sys.dm_exec_requests where session_id = @id );